Film Screening 10th October, 2003

Poster for Bruce Almighty

Bruce Almighty 

8:00 PM, 10th October, 2003
No Guests

  • M
  • 101 mins
  • 2003
  • Tom Shadyac
  • Steve Koren, Mark O'Keefe, Steve Oedekerk
  • Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Philip Baker Hall

A man has a terrible day (losing his job, etc.) and curses God, blaming him for his misfortune. So God turns up and says, "Try being in my shoes," and gives this man all his powers. In doing so, God is trying to teach this man to understand the nature of power and the difficulty of taking the easy path. Sounds like a pretty good movie, huh? What if I added that the man is Jim Carrey? Some people will have just gone from thinking, "Good movie," to thinking, "Bad movie!" and others will be thinking just the opposite. I think the second group of people will enjoy this movie more.

In researching for this review (that's a shock, huh?), I thought I'd visit to see what they thought about the basically blasphemous premise of the movie. Interestingly, what the Christians seem to be upset about is not the fact that Jim Carrey abuses the powers of God, but more about the 'bedroom scene' between the two characters that aren't married...

Oh, and Morgan Freeman plays God. Supposedly he's really good. I wouldn't know. As of writing, the movie hasn't come out yet

Brad Hoff

Poster for The Hot Chick

The Hot Chick 

10:00 PM, 10th October, 2003

  • M
  • 104 mins
  • 2002
  • Tom Brady
  • Tom Brady, Rob Schneider
  • Rob Schneider, Anna Faris, Rachel McAdams, Matthew Lawrence

Maybe you've seen the silly TV ads for The Hot Chick, or glimpsed Rob Schneider on those off-putting posters in theatre foyers, and you've wondered, "Gee, might there be something better at the cinema this weekend ? like, perhaps, Return to Battlefield Earth, or even Freddy Got Fingered Again?" Now maybe I thought this film was a lot better than it really is simply because I went in with low expectations, but sometimes low expectations can result in a pleasant surprise!

Thanks to some magical earrings, Clive, a klutzy petty criminal, switches bodies with Jessica, a beautiful but bitchy high school cheerleader. Which means, of course, that throughout most of the movie Schneider plays a self-absorbed teenage girl who's trapped inside a dweeby 30-something guy.

The script serves primarily as a showcase for the wild-and-crazy antics of Schneider. Like The Animal, the movie pivots on a fantastical premise that is never allowed to get in the way of a good sight gag, or a funny (or maybe not-so-funny) punchline. If you are expecting the obvious gags, you won't be disappointed, and while the continuity is somewhat sloppy, the good parts of this movie make it worth while

Tamara Lee